Nate runs a brokerage general agency in the midwest that his father started and now they are in the process of transitioning the agency to the next generation. Before joining NBCNM they had great success with 3 main life carriers, did decent business enough to keep contracts with 6 carriers and had to scramble to find a home for the rest of their business when an agent “had to have this carrier.” They narrowly avoided being demoted with one of their carriers that caused a great deal of stress as they had a sub agency that they would in turn have to demote to keep their existing revenue structure the same. (This is a real NBCNM agency and the numbers supporting it are real numbers. We have changed the names for privacy sake and respect for the member agency)
Enter NBCNM…. Upon joining NBCNM the agency found a wealth of resources and support that have allowed the agency to grow in all areas of their business.
Year before joining NBCNM
- Placed business with 8 carriers
- Only In-Bonus with 3 carriers
- Had 5 side deals to get access to 6 carriers that weren’t in their wheelhouse
- Had commissions paid from 5 sources outside of carriers, at different intervals and different reporting
- Paid for 4 website tools with access to 4
- No official industry CRM
- Revenue was up 8% over the previous year just doing things as they’d always
done - No structured way to get ideas for marketing or case design. No trusted circle to help land the big cases or big agency.
ONE year after Joining NBCNM
- Placed Business with 17 carriers
- In-bonus with all 17 carriers
- Had 0 side deals except for a niche final expense product
- Had commissions pay from one source outside of the carriers, with consistency in both timing and reporting
- Paid for 2 website tools with access to 6
- Using the best CRM database in the industry
- Revenue was up 32% over the previous year – just one year after joining NBCNM the results were significant to the agency
- A network support system of over 25 agencies there to directly help and support your business growth and development
TWO years after Joining NBCNM
- Placed Business with 17 carriers
- In-bonus wth all 17 carriers
- Had 0 side deals except for a niche final expense product
- Had commissions pay from one source outside of the carriers, with consistency in both timing and reporting
- Paid for 2 website tools with access to 6
- Using the best CRM database in the industry
- Revenue was up 55% over the previous year. And it was up 105% over the year they had 2 years ago before joining NBCNM!
- A network support system of over 25 agencies there to directly help and support your business growth and development